Is this the darkest ending in PornHub history?

Warning: This story contains sexually explicit language that may be NSFW.

Most porn clips on tube sites end with a black-and-white close-up shot of French New Wave cinema star Jean-Paul Belmondo staring into the camera, a cigarette dangling from his lips, as the shot slowly fades to black and the word “Fin” flashes on screen. (Just kidding; we’re all adults here and know how porn clips end.)

One clip on PornHub, however, deviates slightly from the standard porn format. Although the ending to “Slut teen gets knocked up by accidental creampie” (if you need an NSFW warning, you’re not doing the Internet right) is predictable in most respects, there’s a dark surprise awaiting the viewer who sticks around for the end of the five-minute video: 

Screengab via Sjoester/Imgur

While the bizarre ending was spotted by an eagle-eyed redditor and posted on r/funny, the clip has actually been floating around Reddit for at least a few months and has been reposted in multiple threads. It’s from the website School Girl Internal and stars adult performers Mario Cassini and Brooke Whispers (who appears to have shot a handful of scenes in 2012 and is no longer active in the industry under that name, if Google and her Twitter account are any indication).

The question remains, however: Why would a porn director opt to tack on such a morbid, unnecessarily elaborate non-sequitur ending to the scene? A commenter on, where the scene was also uploaded, has a theory: Apparently, School Girl Internal’s schtick is to end films with the girl getting pregnant and sticking the father with child support, so killing off the mother was intended as a twist on the trope.

We’ll probably never know the real reason behind Brooke and Mario’s tragic fate, but at least we have these hilarious Reddit comments to remember ‘em by:

H/T Reddit | Screengrab via Pornhub