If football-themed strip club parties and Craigslist prostitution ads are any indication, the Super Bowl and sex go together like Batman and Robin, or chicken and a chicken container. But during this year’s big game, sultrily numeraled “XLIX,” everyone pretty much kept their hands off their junk.
According to the latest Pornhub Insights data dump, traffic dropped by a staggering 28 percent during the 8:00pm to 9:00pm hour, or approximately when Left Shark (not to mention his less impressive yet more formally trained compatriot, Right Shark) made his first appearance during the Katy Perry halftime show.
This traffic dip, however, appeared to only take place in the United States. Our neighbors to the North, for instance, were far less jazzed about seeing Cinna awkwardly harmonize with KP on “I Kissed a Girl,” as traffic only dipped about 16 percent in Canada.
When we look at the traffic statistics in Washington and Massachusetts, the home states of the Seahawks and the Patriots, the data paint an even grimmer masturbatory picture.
In Massachusetts, traffic plummeted by 51 percent and only began to climb back up after the game ended. The same thing happened to a slightly lesser extent in Washington, where traffic fell by 48 percent by the end of the halftime show. This drop in traffic appeared in the Pornhub statistics from Boston and Seattle as well.
H/T Pornhub Insights | Photo by Keith Allison/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)