In November, hundreds of men try to go 30 days without masturbating. In December, some are planning to pull a 180 and embark upon a masturbation quest that might be physically impossible. If you thought you’d heard it all after “No-Fap November,” get ready for “Destroy Dick December.” Is it a real thing? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, it’s going viral this week.
In certain male-dominated circles of the internet, masturbation is considered a heinous activity. Not because these men believe it’s immoral, but because they believe refraining from ejaculation will give them superpowers (or at least help their concentration). It’s not scientifically sound, but there’s a subreddit dedicated to the practice: r/nofap. The Proud Boys, the polo-wearing white supremacist group started by estranged Vice founder Gavin McInnes, also subscribe to a “no wanks” ideology. And even outside of this group of hardcore anti-mastubators, some men have challenged themselves not to jerk off in a month-long event called No-Fap November. Some may be trying to kick a porn addiction. Others are just in it for the challenge. And others the … uh… community of it all?
Perhaps to make fun of the no-fappers’ stoicism, or perhaps just as a joke about jerking off, “Destroy Dick December” was born. If going a month without masturbating seems difficult and ultimately futile, consider how pointless it is to jerk off an additional time for each calendar day in December. That is, aspiring dick destroyers will “nut” once on December 1st, twice on the 2nd, all the way up to 31 times on New Year’s Eve. The white Christmas jokes practically write themselves.
Let’s consider all the evidence that Destroy Dick December is a Thing. First, there are two extremely popular Reddit posts advertising it, one in r/teenagers and one in r/dankmemes, that point to a text message.

Then there are the dozens of tweets:
Remember after No Nut November we have Destroy Dick December
— 漆黒 (@JETBLK4L) November 11, 2017
Just preparing myself for destroy dick december
— Jabroni (@jadb0i_) November 12, 2017
No nut November? Okay, but get ready for Destroy your dick December.
— Space Cowboy (@That240guy) November 13, 2017
Destroy Dick December
December 1: 1 nut
December 2: 2 nuts
December 31: 31 nutsWill you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?
— aaron (@trapjesus_69) November 13, 2017
But the center of #DestroyDickDecember activity seems to be Instagram, where the meme got a huge boost from popular account Rapper2k:
There are more than 300 posts on Instagram tagged #DestroyDickDecember, most of them reposting the original “Aye bruh” text message that seems to have started the event. It’s probably fair to assume there are even more that didn’t use the hashtag.
Where did Destroy Dick December come from, though? The earliest mention on Twitter seems to have come from @IncredCanemian, who used it as part of a joke about masturbating all year round. It only has 2 likes, though, so we can assume that’s not the origin of the meme.
It seems likely that the original Destroy Dick December call to action came from Instagram, in a post that’s now impossible to track down because of Instagram’s limited search capabilities.
Regardless of who started it, though, Destroy Dick December has taken on a life of its own. Most of the men promising to participate are probably joking, but it’s certain that at least some will attempt it. Best of luck and a joyful holiday season to them.