Pornhub has simplified the world of online pornography, opening the door to every legal kink to every porn viewer with access to a browser. Rather than pay for one site with limited focus, Pornhub offers a cornucopia of options, stars, and styles.
It’s where amateur porn, hardcore porn stars, and clips of Hollywood movies all live in perfect harmony. With so much to offer for free, why should you consider switching from a free Pornhub account and coughing up money for Pornhub Premium? For porn premium quality.
Pornhub’s free service is a half measure, providing a previously unthinkable amount of content while barely scratching the surface of the site’s potential. Here’s what you’re missing out on by not subscribing to Pornhub Premium.
Regarding Pornhub’s controversies
Pornhub Premium is definitely a worthwhile investment. But before paying for the subscription, you should know about Pornhub’s controversial history.
For years, Pornhub hosted an enormous backlog of pirated adult material shared without sex workers’ consent. The site also infamously partnered with Girls Do Porn, a studio that purposefully manipulated over a dozen women into online adult shoots.
After intense public backlash in late 2020, Pornhub has taken steps forward to change. Most importantly, Pornhub purged its unverified uploads, most (but not all) of which included pirated adult content shared without performers’ consent.
Now, uploads can only be shared by verified users. The site also promises to introduce more thorough identification processes to prevent nonconsensual uploads from reaching the site.
Porn Premium on Pornhub Premium
While Pornhub itself is free, if you want to unlock all of the perks of Pornhub Premium, you’ll need to invest in the service beyond a free Pornhub account.
A Pornhub Premium subscription costs $9.99 per month or $7.99 per month when you buy a year up front for $95.88. Occasionally the site offers gifts and promotions when you sign up, like 30 percent off an annual subscription or unlocking its full porn network for life. If you have the patience, it’s worth waiting for the right deal.
If you’re on a Pornhub Premium free trial and decide you want to move to a full year plan, talk to customer support. They will sometimes help you get access to even better deals. Keep in mind: This is up to the individual support tech to help you. Be nice and you might be surprised at what happens.

Pornhub Premium benefits
Here are eight convincing reasons why you should consider switching from a free Pornhub account to Pornhub Premium.
1) Improved video library
While Pornhub’s standard free library available with a free Pornhub account is vast, you’ll probably notice after a period of use that there are tons of abbreviated videos. You’ll get five minutes into a scene only to discover it doesn’t have the ending.
Pornhub Premium users rarely run into that problem, thanks to its incredible, curated selection of HD porn content. Pornhub features partnered content from big studios like Brazzers, Vixen, Tushy, Adult Time, Team Skeet, Teen Fidelity, Bellesa,, Reality Kings, Nubile Films, Digital Playground, and more.
The vast majority of Premium content comes in glorious full 1080p HD or 4K Ultra HD, meaning your days of grainy ripped clips are over. Premium users can also download Pornhub content in HD, unlike normal users who can only grab standard definition files.
It’s important to remember that individual channels can block the download feature. However, that doesn’t mean Pornhub skimps on downloads.
Premium subscribers get access to Pornhub’s entire 30,000-plus library of full-length DVDs for streaming and downloading. Mixing low-budget movies with studio productions from the likes of Digital Playground and New Sensations, you can download a lifetime’s worth of porn in one month from this section alone.
More importantly, you’ll never click on a video only to find out it’s locked for anyone who isn’t a Premium subscriber ever again.

2) No ads
Pornhub is one of the better streaming sites when it comes to ads, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have annoying ads. Seriously, go to hell pop-ups. Premium subscribers are finally free of the scourge of Pornhub pop-ups, and all of the potentially malicious ads and malware that can come with it.
3) Support for VR
This feature is available to all users, even if they’re not Premium, but subscribers get added content. Pornhub features almost 1,000 Premium-exclusive VR porn scenes.
There are over 450 of those in 4K Ultra HD. Pornhub VR content works with Oculus, PlayStation VR, Google Cardboard, VIVE, and Samsung Gear VR systems, so most VR capable homes should be supported. Not sure what VR system is right for you? Here are our picks for the best VR headsets for porn.
4) Smart sex toy support
Do you have a Bluetooth sex toy? Pornhub is ready to play, with hundreds of videos supporting teledildonics. This isn’t a Premium feature, but it’s worth supporting the company for keeping futurist porn fans in mind. I mean, they help your sex toy talk with your porn. What more can you ask for?

5) Improved security
Pornhub Premium content browsing is encrypted using HTTPS protocol. Should you ever encounter any problems, your Premium membership comes with 24/7 customer support. Combined with ad-free browsing, this makes Pornhub Premium a much safer (and easier) viewing experience than your average free Pornhub session.
6) Extra features
Along with your Pornhub Premium, subscribers get Premium accounts on RedTube and YouPorn included in the cost of membership. Should you not be able to find something on Pornhub, your subscription dollars give you options.
Premium members also get special status in the comments section of the site, with a Premium tag added to your posts and profile. Don’t want people to be able to see your profile? Premium users can hide their account from other members.

7) Porn on Roku
Pornhub’s free app is available on Roku, but all of the best porn content is locked behind Pornhub Premium. Membership makes it easy to watch high-quality porn on your big screen. If you’re watching porn with a 4K TV (or if you’re hoping to pick one up during the holidays), this is a huge perk.
8) Pornhub is safe to use
One of the best aspects of Pornhub is its basic security. With so many options in the world of porn, it’s difficult know if the sites you’re using are secure.
After a 2017 attack through advertisers, Pornhub beefed up its security and began to offer its own VPN service to add an extra layer for users. You can learn more about the steps Pornhub has taken to keep you safe here.
Pornhub cons
1) You might miss the ending unless you’re paying for Premium
While Pornhub Premium focuses on full scenes, the free version of the site with a free Pornhub account often just has previews. You’ll find a 10-minute clip, then right before the pop shot it will cutaway and tell you to join a site for the full scene.
Don’t get us wrong; Pornhub still has an incredible amount of full porn scenes, but you might need to dig to find them.
2) Pirated content and revenge porn
As mentioned above, tons of models have complained that their content from sites like ManyVids and OnlyFans has been uploaded to the Pornhub without their consent or financial compensation. Pornhub has since purged unverified uploads. But there’s still a lot of work to do.
In one case, these problems reached Pornhub Premium. Girls Do Porn, a former Pornhub partner, coerced models into shoots. Despite lawsuits filed against the studio, Pornhub partnered with Girls Do Porn for years.
And outside of Pornhub Premium, there are plenty of troubling stories about ex’s posting revenge porn on the site to get back at former partners.
Pornhub is an incredible resource for adult content, but if it is going to be the biggest site in porn, it needs to own the responsibilities that come with it. Even if that means making it more difficult for average users to upload content.
Is Pornhub Premium worth it?
The average porn VHS or DVD cost anywhere from $19.99 to $59.99 back when you had to buy porn in physical form. Meanwhile subscribing to a name-brand porn site can cost up to $29.99 each month.
For less than the cost of Netflix, Pornhub gives the most content and variety of content of any porn site on the internet. Gay, straight, fetish, interactive sex toys, VR, great sports jokes: Pornhub offers it all.
Paying for porn shouldn’t be a splurge. It’s part of participating in an economy that respects sex workers and performers as human beings. At just $9.99 per month, Pornhub offers a way to pay for your porn without breaking the bank.
Sites like Pornhub Premium
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