Reddit user Zellarena’s boobs were a little bigger than usual.
So on Tuesday afternoon Zellarena decided to take a photo of herself topless and posted it on Reddit Gone Wild, an amateur porn community where everyday women post sexually explicit photos of themselves for a grateful, complimentary (and often creepy) audience.
The reaction to Zellarena’s bosom was textbook GoneWild:

Buried within the 400 comments or so was one from redditor rtw_fan who suggested “maybe you’re pregnant,” which is a common estrogen-related effect of pregnancy.
The comment inspired Zellarena to take a test, and about five hours after posting a picture of her chest, she found out that she was indeed pregnant.
“That’s one way to find out,” Zellarena posted on Reddit with the following photo.

Upon hearing the news, redditors couldn’t help but crack jokes and suggest names for the little bundle of joy.

Rtw_fan’s comment was featured on r/BestOf, home to “the very best hidden gems that reddit has to offer,” where the reactions to Zellarena’s news weren’t much different. Words from all 300 comments were used by makeswordclouds to create the following wordcloud:

Photo by josemanuelerre/Flickr (CC by ND-2.0)