
Search.xxx wants to be the Google of porn

The future is here: There is now a porn-only search engine.

ICM Registry, the owners of the .xxx top-level domain, launched its own “Google for porn” Thursday. The website, titled search.xxx, serves as a one-stop destination for .xxx-labeled domains, which there are more than 21 million webpages.

“It’s porn, only porn, all porn,” confirmed ICM Registry’s CEO Stuart Lawley. “There’s as much porn there as anyone would need, I’d imagine.”

The search engine will also come with doubled-ribbed protection, too. It scans .xxx websites for viruses and malware daily using anti-virus software. Additionally, search.xxx promises a smooth user experience that has no ads or pop-ups—much like a larger search engine it’s hoping to compete with.

Lawley said one of the goals of search.xxx is to combat Google, which is allegedly rubbing out porn sites from the first page of search results in favor of less graphic material, like news articles.

“Google, in their wisdom, has decided that’s more relevant to what their customers are looking for,” he said to Network World. “The adult industry is feeling a little bit deranked by the major search engines.”

ICM Registry launched the .xxx top-level domain in Sept. 2011 to give pornographic websites a dedicated suffix. More than 240,000 .xxx domains have been registered since the bidding process opened last December.

Photo via search.xxx