The best porn search engines to find what you’re looking for
Some things you just shouldn’t Google.
Andrew Yang upset porn fans with his criticism of Bing
‘Andrew Yang just tattled on himself for not watching porn by slandering Bing.’
Report: Search engine Bing makes it easy to find child porn
Bing suggested related search keywords as well
Apple accidentally included hardcore porn in iMessenger’s GIF search
An unexpected bug in iOS 10 made for some surprising revelations.
Microsoft joins Google in censoring revenge porn
The move comes just ahead of federal revenge-porn legislation.
How Boodingo, the world’s first porn search engine, compares to Google
Disclaimer: If you’re easily offended by really weird porn references, do not read this article.
How Bing became the Internet’s favorite porn search engine
The third most popular search engine in the world is first at something.