California takes a stand against revenge porn
A proposed bill would render illegal the act of disseminating nude or revealing images “with the intent to cause serious emotional distress.”
12 sexy Twitter users pose nude for benefit calendar
The humanitarian project for cancer research is sponsored by IlinaBookbox.
“Snapchat Sluts” shows why Snapchat isn’t consequence-free
A new Tumblr blog by party photographer Kirill Bichutsky proves just how unsecure the nude photos sent with the Snapsohot truly are.
Hunter Moore’s new revenge-porn site is also for stalking
Huntermoore.tv will let users include people’s addresses along with their leaked nude photos.
“Involuntary porn” site charges victims to remove nude photos
IsAnybodyDown hosts anonymously-submitted nude photos, but the proprietors of the site may also be behind a service that charges a fee to get those photos taken down.
Spurned Minnesotan posts nude photos of ex-girlfriend on Facebook, Twitter
Christian Richard Montgomery used two accounts posing as his ex-girlfriend to reveal the private shots.