2021 proved a challenging year for online sex workers—and a wake-up call for our allies
There’s so much work to be done to protect people who sell sex.
OnlyFans banning explicit content spells danger for sex workers—and online free speech
The future of the internet is at stake.
Discord is the latest battleground for moral panic about porn
It’s not just politicians trying to ban NSFW content.
Subverse is an ambitious porn game that doesn’t stick its own landing
It’s popular, but it doesn’t hold up to the hype.
It’s easy to see the role ‘NoFap’ played in yesterday’s violence against Asian women
Sex addiction isn’t real, but it’s certainly dangerous.
Subverse’s Arch Warhammer controversy shows that porn games are always political
‘No political affiliation’ is a political affiliation.
TERFs defaced the Mary Wollstonecraft statue. It’s a warning for the future
TERFs want your anger. Don’t give it to them.
COVID-19 ruined my offline sex work plans—so I eroticized my Zoom calls
Even social distancing can be erotic.