Gaming’s fickle relationship with porn is holding back adult content
LewdGamer, porn, and the problems that go uncovered.
I’m a queer adult content creator ditching Patreon for good
Patreon is purging NSFW content. It’s time to look for alternatives.
‘Transfixed’ says it’s a ‘breakthrough’ series, but it still fetishizes trans bodies
Trans women may be disappointed, to say the least.
Trans/Sex: Masturbation is tough for trans women. I know first-hand
There’s more to self-pleasure than magic wands and ‘muffing.’
Trans/Sex: Kink is affirming—and complicated—for trans women
Welcome to the messy, healthy politics of forced feminization and trans sexuality.
Tumblr’s busted NSFW algorithm suggests a dark future for online sex work
This is only the beginning for how porn will be moderated.
Rudy Giuliani thinks feminists shouldn’t support porn. He’s wrong
Please stop mansplaining porn to women, Rudy.
Let’s stop shaming Stormy Daniels for being a sex worker
America is obsessed with sensationalizing her career.