Why everyone needs to see Ben Affleck’s penis
It might be the biggest little cameo in film history.
The one analogy you need to understand #GamerGate
Let’s go on a journey to the center of the issue.
Porn isn’t ruining Congress—Congress is ruining Congress
Are we hypocrites for being angry that some federal workers goof off on the job?
10 things I wish someone had told me about porn
I learned the hard way—so you don’t have to.
Debunking the 3 biggest myths about porn
Can a documentary help us rethink sex work and the adult entertainment industry?
The adult industry’s growing war over Titcoin
I’m a porn performer, and I’m not sold on cryptocurrency.
5 ways to find your vagina without using Yahoo Answers
Relax and get yourself a hand mirror. It’s time to do some sleuthing.
What straight guys really think about anal sex
A recent study found that while anal sex is on the rise, teens feel coerced into trying it. Then why is it so prevalent in porn?