The free pornographic games of the Internet Archive’s MS-DOS collection
Who’s ready to thwart the schemes of Dr. Dildo?
Inside the Arkham Sessions, a podcast that psychoanalyses ‘Batman’
A professional psychologist takes a deeper look at ‘Batman: The Animated Series.’
Sweden explores special labels for sexist video games
The next frontier of video-game ratings may be about gender roles.
Gamergaters are turning their pain into a musical extravaganza
At this point, it’s difficult to tell what Gamergate is parodying: progressive ethics in the gaming community, or just themselves.
The data behind Gamergate reveals its ugly truth
Up to 75 percent of tweets directed at prominent women in gaming using the hashtag are negative, new research finds.
Newsweek analyzes Gamergate hashtag to prove it really is about harassment
In a shocking twist, it actually isn’t about ethics in journalism.
Someone hacked ‘Watch Dogs’ to play as a naked woman
The best part is that the game’s other characters don’t know the difference.
Stan Lee: David S. Goyer a ‘nut’ for thinking She-Hulk was a ‘porn star’
“Only a nut would even think of that.”
‘Dark Knight’ writer David S. Goyer dismisses She-Hulk as a ‘porn star’
David S. Goyer sure seems to not know his characters—or his fans.
New ‘Gamer Girls’ magazine meets all your lowest expectations
If you thought “Hot Tech Today” was bad, just wait til you see this new magazine that has nothing to do with geek girls.