A Culture of Consumption: Hot Girls, The Male Gaze, and The Internet
“The male gaze erases female subjectivity and positions women as passive objects of male desire. It is a form of dehumanization that includes, but is not limited to, sexual objectification, in which women are narrowly perceived as sexual objects for male consumption.”
Life After Sex Work: My Nudes Are Everywhere. Now What?
“The industry fundamentally changed the way I valued myself. It made me beholden to income in ways non-sexual work didn’t. I, and society, attached a monetary value to my appearance.”
As A Transgender Man and Sex Worker, My Existence Is Political
“As a transgender sex worker, my body cannot help but be political. I must continually be an activist for my own right to exist.”
It’s All For Show: Debunking Misconceptions About Sex Work, Money, and Labor
“The reality is that sex work, like many other forms of self-employment, is often a matter of feast or famine.”
Sex Work, Stigma, and Shame: Dating As A Dominatrix
“I’ve had other potential partners find out that I’m a sex worker… and then that’s all they see when they look at me. They begin to view me as a sex machine, something they can cum in and go as they please.”
Sex Work Damaged My Relationship With Myself. Burlesque is Helping Me Heal
“Perhaps the real reason I didn’t put more effort into my stage appearance was that effort would have made it real and intentional, effort would have made me a professional, and not just some co-ed who fell into it.”
Looks Good For Her Age: Aging In (and Out) Of Sex Work
“Being okay with that means moving into a different phase in our life. We no longer have to pick out our outfits to go grocery shopping. We’re no longer on display. It’s freeing, a sheer relief to blend in after spending so many years knowing we didn’t.”
I Thought Sex Work Was Anti-Feminist. Then, I Became A Stripper
“It was great to have cash in hand, but challenging to choose between hiding my job or being judged for being open about it.”
Asian Men Are Marginalized In Porn. Gay Male Performers Are Changing the Narrative
“I find it to be very problematic in that these people have these preconceived notions of how Asian men will act, be it submissive, bottoms, very demure,” says Cody Seiya.