This article contains sexually explicit content.
Because amateur Yelp reviews of brothels just aren’t cutting it, a Berlin-based website wants to hire a pro to have (safe) sex with the city’s (legal) prostitutes and rate the quality of their services. Please do not trample over one another to click on the job posting.
“ is a social network for sex workers, clients, brothels and companies in erotic environment,” the translated version of the ad explains. “With a young team (about 25 people) and a flat hierarchy, working conditions are very pleasant and marked by the life of a startup. is part of an international group of companies with more than 120 employees in Germany, China and Spain, offering realistic development and career opportunities.”
So far, so normal. Then we get to the specific duties the lucky guy—or gal!—is expected to carry out: “Test brothels for service, cleanliness and compliance with safe sex practices. You enjoy sex with various women and then create a score” to be published on Kaufmich. You’ll also be attending events like “bukkake parties and gang bangs.” Dress appropriately!
Among the requirements for the position (heh) are a business degree—“preferably” in hotels—as well as fluent German and maybe French, good hygiene, working knowledge of quality management systems, and a flair for “working with people.” It couldn’t hurt if you could boast “practical experience from several years of brothel visits,” either. But don’t dawdle: Applications are due by month’s end! Yes, you can use me as a reference.
H/T Mirror | Photo via greybeard39/Flickr (CC BY ND 2.0)