Beyoncé said it best: girls run the world! But why aren’t they treated like it? For so long, the adult industry has treated women like accessories in their own game. Thankfully, there has been an awakening. Adult content is for everyone, and studios and networks everywhere are giving women their roses. Female Worship is one of them.
What is Female Worship?
This is a site dedicated to the pleasure, worship, and adoration of women. It stays heavily committed to its community by using platforms such as Twitter and its four other studios. The site’s homey approach to porn gives the site a very amateur feel, although its performers seem to be anything but! This is a space for women to get exactly what they want. This is a space for true Female Worship.
If there’s one thing that I hate when it comes to the cost of a membership, it’s when a studio gives its potential members only one option for payment. That being said, Female Worship gives you a discount if you subscribe for more than one month. Your first month is $34.95, but each month after that is just $19.99.

1 Month | $34.95 for the first month then $19.99 each month after |
Membership Pros
Get full access to 642 videos, as well as
When you become a member of Female Worship, you automatically gain access to its library of over 600 videos. As well, its other sister studio, Shesmokes, also gets thrown in the mix! All the videos on these sites are ready to watch and download, so you can have them handy whenever you may need them!
All videos are dated, and new videos are in 4K
I really like that the site does its best to keep up with the top practices in porn. All of the site’s videos are HD, but its newest videos have been shot in 4K HD! As well, a fun little bonus is seeing when each video is dated. This is really helpful for establishing a sort of loose timeline as to when the site uploads new videos, so you can get excited for the next big thing!
Strong community
Possibly my most favorite aspect about the site is its strong community base. While it’s not apparent on the site itself, the Female Worship twitter page shows it clear as day. With close to 10K followers, the Female Worship site is clearly loved and adored. Its twitter page puts out updates on new content, features tweets from its community, and amateur images from performers. Getting in touch with the studio beyond just scrolling on the website is really refreshing, and immediately gives you a sense of community beyond any porn site you’ve ever visited!
Membership Cons
Site layout and no filtering options
This site, while the content is great, has a major flaw. Where the “homey” vibe gets to be a little too uncomfortable, is in the site layout. Each video is blown up quite big, and the only way to scroll is by viewing one by one. When you take into consideration that there are over 150 pages to scroll through, this idea becomes very tiring. As well, the site’s lack of filtering options is quite confusing. Not understanding what the site offers, or what you’re clicking into, gets frustrating very quickly. In my opinion, the site should invest in a little more reactive site layout to help its members find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.
No real message
This site is quite bare bones. There’s no about me page, no reason for creation, and no statement on the quality and ethical practices that the site employs. For a site that seems as homemade as Female Worship, it feels sorely looked over.
Is it worth it?
This is a tough one. On the one hand, the content on Female Worship is great. Top-quality filming, great performers, and strong storylines. However, the overall site layout, and lack of user interface is a strong argument to leave it be. On top of that, the fact that the Female Worship site has four sister sites, and members only get access to one, is slightly upsetting as well. I would say to give Female Worship a fighting chance, but if you find yourself getting frustrated while trying to browse the content, maybe just give this one a pass.