Instagram is definitely the go-to social media platform for killing time while lustfully scrolling through photos. And of course, a Tumblr rabbit hole is even easier to fall down than your tailor-made Instagram Discover page. But what if you had uncensored and unforgiving hard porn to break up your Twitter feed of CNN updates and self-deprecating jokes? Welcome to gay porn Twitter. Here are the hottest gay porn stars to follow on Twitter and light up your feed.
Gay porn stars on Twitter
1) Brent Corrigan (@BrentCorrigan)
Porn stars, they’re just like you: They tweet that they’re having brunch and they’re verified on Twitter. Actually, Brent Corrigan is one of the few gay porn Twitter stars to get that coveted blue checkmark. After all, he was embroiled in that infamous underage scandal back in the day. After posting more wholesome content as Sean Paul Lockhart for several years, Brent is back with some fun filth to fill you in on.

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2) JJ Knight (@JJKnightXXX)
Bad news for Brent Corrigan fanboys: He is indeed off the market. However, he’s engaged to fellow porn star JJ Knight, and JJ’s #DaddyAF, right down to those symmetrical star tattoos on his pecs. It’s enough to make you forget his warning that he’s betrothed to Brent in his bio—well, that and you have to overlook their occasional PDA too.

3) Paco (@PACO_XXX_PACO)
Just like other gay porn Twitter stars, you can see Paco live and in person at his circuit party gigs as a go-go dancer. But if you can’t make it over to Europe, then follow his Twitter to keep up with his globe-trotting adventures. He seems to never miss a single gym day in between dancing the night away.

4) Murray Swanby (@MurraySwanby)
Some gay porn Twitter hotties have it all, like a NSFW modeling career and an E! reality series. Murray is featured on the show What Happens at the Abbey, which chronicles the adventures of the L.A. gay bar’s staff as they brush shoulders with celebrities and straight guys. He also runs a pretty great Twitter if you’re looking for assless underwear shots.

5) Peter Le (@PeterFever)
Peter’s feed will leave you with a “fever.” Sure, pictures of him lounging with his cat are adorable. But this gay porn Twitter star’s retweets from adoring fans posting his porn videos are perhaps the most thrilling.

6) Devin Franco (@DevinFrancoXXX)
Devin’s last name, as per the porn world, is one shared by a pair of more mainstream film brothers. And really, that’s fitting given his movie-star good looks, even when his job requires him to get down and dirty, especially with lots of group play.

7) Flex Xtremmo (@FlexXtremmo)
Yes, Flex Xtremmo is one hell of a porn star name. But it’s also a pretty straightforward stage persona for a personal trainer—and Flex is both. He’s located in his native Spain, so you may have to brush off your intermediate language skills from high school or fire up Google Translate as you scroll through pictures of him cooking shirtless…or you can just scroll through pictures of him cooking shirtless.

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8) Derek Bolt (@derekboltxxx)
In his bio, Derek is a self-professed “dork,” playing video games and surfing Tumblr. That charm carries on through the ripped model’s plenty of pleasing gym selfies. After all, if you didn’t take a selfie at the gym, did it really happen?

9) Ken Rodeo (@KenRodeoxxx)
Ken seems pretty at home letting someone else hold the camera while he does his thing. However, with his pouty lips, he does achieve some very sultry selfies that are worth dreaming about. His account is private, but if you give it a follow you just might be lucky enough to be granted access.

10) Paul Boulon (@PaulBoulon)
Golden boy Paul may not post too many self-portraits, but he does aggregate some great LGBTQ community content, from politics to pop star news, like the latest on Kesha. Oh, and he also has a great sense of humor when it comes to memes.

11) Joseph Rough (@JosephRoughXXX)
Joseph’s name really says it all—his profile pic is even topped off with a leather harness. Along with showing off his penchant for wolf speedos, he also shares drawings from classes where he’s modeled. And that art is way more detailed than simple stick figures.

12) Abraham Montenegro (@abrahaMontenegr)
Another gentleman residing in Spain, Abraham’s feed is all about the balance. In the streets, he’s a suave boyfriend to his adorable other half. In the sheets (and in his professional life) he’s pretty hardcore in the stills he shares. Live sex acts in a harness, anyone?

13) Bryce Evans (@BryceEvansXXX)
Even if you don’t have quite enough of a daddy complex for Bryce, you’ll still be in luck following him—and not just because of his sexy tattoos. Evans often reposts scenes from other guys like Scott DeMarco, and his costars usually end up being of the twink variety.

14) Scott DeMarco (@ScottDeMarcoXXX)
Speaking of one of Bryce’s twinks, meet Scott DeMarco. He’s the perfect fresh-faced, smooth foil. You’ll come to his account for glimpses at his mega-watt smile but stay for videos of him, you know, doing what porn stars do with plenty of cam footage.

15) Bruno Bernal (@BrunoBernalXXX)
If you’re into tattoos, then Bruno has got you covered seeing as he is indeed covered in them. He’s also got you covered with Valentina Drag Race memes in case you still can’t get enough of those, either.

16) Stas Landon (@StasLandon)
One of the best parts about following porn stars on Twitter is the videos they upload. In Stas’ case, you’ll get a very intimate front-row seat to his hotel room shenanigans.

17) Tyson Glover (@Tyson_GloverXXX)
There are a few things that excite Tyson. These things include the upcoming Ocean’s 8 and video games. But don’t forget his playtime with hot men like Liam Knox.

18) Jay Landford (@JayLandford)
Jay sure does spend an awful lot of time looking off into the distance. The more productive activities that he tweets about include celebrating his birthday on rooftops and cleaning out content on his phone—which leads to these pec-tacular videos.

19) Jessy Ares
Not only is Jessy Ares an award-winning porn star and absolute daddy — his social media presence is frankly so cheesy it’s adorable. In between HD blowjob videos, he regularly shares workout edits and music videos featuring his original songs and the occasional cover.

Still not exactly what you want? Here’s your guide to the best porn GIFs and where to find them, the hottest gay porn stars to follow on Instagram, the best porn sites for queer women, and the best of gay Tumblr. Plus, everything you need to know about watching porn safely in your browser or on your smartphone.
Editor’s note: This article is regularly updated for relevance.