Pornhub revealed 2017’s most popular gaming characters that we love to watch get it on, and there is much to glean from their revelations. One hard-to-miss fact is that female characters overwhelmingly win the porn popularity contest: Of the 16 characters listed by the porn website, 13 are female.
Members of Overwatch‘s cast of heroes—D.Va, Mercy, and Tracer—snagged the first, second, and third place, respectively. These top three lady characters had over 8 million searches combined on Pornhub. Misty from Pokémon (2.6 million searches) beat out Tomb Raider’s Lara Craft( 2.2 million searches) for a fourth place spot and Zelda grabbed number six.

Based on these findings, its pretty easy to conclude the male-dominated gaming world has its eyes on female-dominated gaming porn. Pokémon’s Ash was the only male character to make it to the list, with other male characters beat out in popularity by non-human entries like Pokémon Gardevoir and Pikachu.
Pornhub had other interesting facts to share, including details on how gamers access the site. In 2017, Xbox drove 56 percent of Pornhub’s gaming console traffic followed by PlayStation with 32 percent. While Nintendo’s consoles aren’t yet major traffic drivers, that will likely change given the popularity of the newly released Switch and Pornhub is more than ready to offer support to its users.

Pornhub has promised it will support the site on Nintendo Switch if Nintendo releases a more robust browser than the limited-use version available now.
About the unpopularity of male gaming characters in porn, however? Well, we won’t expect that to change.
H/T Eurogamer