Friends, the blue check has officially moved to porn and the time has come to usher in the new era of Pornhub: Pornhub Verified.
Once a willing host to a free-for-all of amateur content, Pornhub will now be a little more strict. Users can’t just upload the video(s) of their choosing anymore. Pornhub requires a verification process from here on out. Here’s everything you need to know about the new changes on verified porn.
Editor’s note: This article contains brief references to content that some may find triggering. This includes mentions of child sexual abuse and revenge porn. Please proceed reading with caution. Anyone that has been affected by sexual assault and is in need of support should contact RAINN toll-free at 1-(800)-656-HOPE or via
The problem with Pornhub

Some will argue that the immense amount of unbridled, user-uploaded content was what propelled the platform into legendary status in its early years. But all good things must come to an end, right? Wrong. The incredibly hands off, anything goes culture fostered by Pornhub was everything but good. Stolen content, videos uploaded without permission, performers’ boundaries crossed, revenge porn, child sex abuse, and scammers all flourished under the site’s guise of “free porn“.
In December of 2020, the New York Times brought the evils of Pornhub to the front page of mainstream media. Soon after this erupted, major payment processors MasterCard and Visa suspended services on the site. Despite the longevity of these claims (which date back as far as 2009), Pornhub never took action. A 2020 court document filed against the company by former associates of the Pornhub series Girls Do Porn states that Pornhub’s parent company, Mindgeek, knew its subsidiary was profiting off of exploitation and abuse. The document, which was originally reported on by Vice, states that “[MindGeek] simply did not care…until it was no longer profitable.” Disturbing just doesn’t seem to cut it.
And believe it or not, the story gets worse. Despite Pornhub’s past statements claiming the site was doing everything it could to protect performers (as well as its users), it clearly could have done more. And I don’t say that as some arbitrary diss. The site didn’t decide to purge its platform of all unverified problematic content until it was hit with financial consequences at the hands of credit card companies.
So while Pornhub’s move to become a reliable source for adult entertainment is a great one, it’s long overdue. Hopefully, this new era of content will prove to be better and safer than the last.
What is Pornhub Verified?

Pornhub Verified aims to be a safer way to watch porn. Previously, Pornhub let any of its users upload and download content without question. But now, with verified-only protocols, any content that was previously uploaded by unverified users can no longer be found on the site. Additionally, Pornhub only allows downloads on paid videos. And anyone who wants to upload content in the future has to be a verified user.
So what exactly constitutes a verified user? Well, Pornhub has made it clear that uploads are only coming from official content partners or members of Pornhub’s model program. Current and future members of the program are required to have their identification verified by London-based firm Yoti. “The verification process involves sending a current photo and ID that the hosting site itself never views. Once the third-party verifies the information, the data is encrypted. Even the company itself (Pornhub) cannot see it.”
At the end of the day, this vetting process should make it harder for content platforms and abusers to profit off of exploitative, illegal, or unethical content. By requiring legal identification, users who break the law can easily be identified and held accountable. This is a (small) win for anyone who’s ever made a sex tape, but it doesn’t make up for the harm already done.
So what does this change to Pornhub verified mean for you?

If you’re a casual viewer who logs on, streams their business, and then logs off, you’ll have a newfound peace of mind that you have permission to watch all the content you’re viewing since it will all be verified. So if getting off to anonymously uploaded porn was keeping you up at night, you may get a better night’s sleep.
However, for those of you who enjoy downloading all of the amateur content you can, things will be different. The new commitment to trust and safety on Pornhub’s help page now reads, “Effective immediately, we have removed the ability for users to download content from Pornhub with the exception of paid downloads within the verified Model Program. In tandem with our fingerprinting technology, this will mitigate the ability for content already removed from the platform to be able to return.”
How much does Pornhub Verified cost?
Using Pornhub Verified won’t cost any more than it previously did. Some videos are still available for users to stream for free. Although there are limitations. And Pornhub Premium’s pricing hasn’t been affected. If anything, this whole verification and vetting system is even more reason to pay for your porn. It’s only ethical!
How does Pornhub Verified compare to its predecessor?
You might feel slightly lost. 80 percent of Pornhub’s content is no longer available on the site. but we are here to help. If you’re looking for juicy new content, exploring the community tab is a great place to start! Browse through “viewers choice” contest winners, most viewed monthly, top earners monthly, and popular verified users.
For those feeling like they might be losing out on amateur videos, you can put those fears to the side. Amateur performers still have a place on Pornhub–they just need to be verified first! A quick scroll will bring up popular amateur creators like Bedgasm, Purple B*tch, and Xiao e. It’s up to you to keep up with the content that gets you going.

Is Pornhub Verified worth it?
This move has been a long time coming. And while some might not agree with the new direction Pornhub is heading in, I say that those people aren’t to be trusted.
Personally, I hope that MindGeek will take action and implement the same precautions throughout its other platforms. Being granted the ability to visit a free porn site without having to second guess where the content is coming from is refreshing. I tip my hat to this new era of Pornhub!