This adorable Swedish video demonstrates how babies are made
Remember that cartoon with the dancing penis and vagina? This is the sequel.
Jiggler is a NSFW app that will transfix the 8th grade boy in you
And the app is just the start: Its creators have big plans for the NSFW app market.
How a lightbulb in a vagina became the symbol for Iran’s sex-ed failings
Talk about shining some light on a dark subject.
The best of the best vagina jewelry on Etsy
Wear your vaginas on your sleeves, ladies. Or around your neck, or on your finger, or in your ears.
Introducing the Skea, a wearable that lets you work out your vagina
Ever dreamed of playing Fruit Ninja with your butt? This is the next best thing.
Apple won’t let you engrave ‘vagina’ on an iPad, but ‘penis’ is totally cool
Apple hates vaginas, basically.
Meet kGoal, the Fitbit for your vagina
The “interactive training system for pelvic floor exercises” has just launched a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter.
US Airways actually tweeted the most NSFW photo imaginable
This social media team is in for some turbulence.